Q. Who are Haddenham Community Vehicle (HCV)?

A. We are a registered Charity run exclusively by volunteers. Our registered charity number is 1166286

Q. What is the remit?

A. To reduce social isolation by assisting clients who are unable, or find it difficult, to access public transport

Q. How many paid staff are there?

A. None – everyone is a volunteer

Q. Are the drivers trained?

A. Our volunteer drivers are trained in Safeguarding and the safe use of our vehicle “Carrie”. Our drivers are not trained for lifting clients in and out of wheelchairs

Q. What area do you cover?

A. The area is essentially the area covered by the Haddenham Medical Centre. A map of our area is shown here.

Q. What vehicle do you use?

A. We have a modified Volkswagen Caddie with a drop-down rear ramp for loading a wheelchair. The wheelchair is fixed in position, using a four-point fixing system, up front next to the driver.

Q. How many people can you transport?

A. The vehicle can transport two wheelchairs and one passenger or one wheelchair and two passengers.

Q. Is the service only for wheelchair users?

A. No, it is for all clients with mobility issues.

Q. What level of assistance is given?

A. The degree of assistance given is at the discretion of the driver but most drivers are happy to assist clients into Carrie and push a wheelchair as necessary. We aim to deliver clients as close as possible to their destination. Our drivers are not trained to lift clients.

Q. How do I book the vehicle?

A. Either call us on 07483 806171 and leave a message as the phone is not continually manned or email us at haddenhamcv@gmail.com and our coordinator will get back to you. More details here

Q. How much advance notice do you need?

A. As all our drivers are volunteers we need a reasonable period of notice such as a week. For shorter notice requests we will do our best to source a driver.

Q. Is my request for a lift guaranteed?

A. Sadly, we can’t guarantee lifts as we rely upon volunteer drivers but we will always try to accommodate client’s requests and our record to date is good.

Q. How much does it cost?

A. The service is free but donations are always welcome.

Q. Is it only for medical appointments?

A. No. As our aim is to reduce social isolation; social outings for clients are actively encouraged.

Q. How far will you travel?

A. Our standard distance is a maximum radius of 20 miles from Haddenham.

Q. Why do you call the vehicle “Carrie”?

A. We ran a Community competition and Carrie was the chosen name.

Q. How are you funded?

A. We have been fortunate to be supported by a number of organisations as well as client donations which have enabled us to maintain a free service. We will always be in need of financial support. Donations can be made by cash or cheque to the driver or by bank transfer to Haddenham Community Vehicle, Account number 03275191, sort code 20-85-73.

Q. Is it only for Haddenham?

A. No, we cover Haddenham and all the surrounding Villages as shown on the map here